What is a divot in golf- Golf Terms & Definitions

A divot is a type of hole that can be found on the golf course. A golfer usually creates a divot when they strike the ball with their club and it doesn't go as far as they would have liked it to. Though this may not seem like much, a golf divot can ruin your game if you are not careful about where you place them or how many there are in an area.

There will also be consequences for any other players who happen to come along after you and find themselves hitting into one of your old ones!

If this sounds confusing, then don't worry - we're here to help!

Read on for more information about what makes up these pesky things, why they matter so much in golfing and how you can stop that ball going anywhere near them.

What is a divot in golf ?

Well, its a piece of turf that is taken out of a green when the golfer hits the ball. It was given this name because it looks like a small doughnut hole or divot.

The size and shape depends on various factors - how hard the ground is, whether you hit the ball in the center of the club face or off to one side, whether you use a sand wedge or a gap wedge and how hard you hit it.

The size of the divot varies depending on whether you hit it in the center of the clubface or off to one side.

A big fat divot indicates that you are hitting it off to one side and a very small divot or no divot at all means that you've hit it dead center. The shape also depends on where you hit it. A good solid divot means you hit it dead center, while a splatted (spread apart) or mashed (mashed together) looking divot indicates that you're hitting it off to one side.

A torn-up hardened part of the turf is another indication that you're hitting it well. Either the club face is square to the target or you turned your body a little to get out of the way as you were making contact with the ball.

Whether you use a sand wedge or gap wedge and how hard you hit it also affects the size and shape of the divot. A partially buried in golf turf indicates that you are hitting harder than normal (and off center or with the club face open to the target) and a hole that is cut out indicates that you are hitting too hard for the conditions.

Many people don't realize that a divot is good thing when they learn how to play golf because they think it's caused by bad contact. But actually there are tons of things you need to do in order to take out a divot.

Why does it happen ?

Divots usually happen when you hit it too hard for the conditions or there is something wrong with your setup. Most golfers don't realize this but they should because it's very important when it comes to playing golf.

It is really hard to avoid hitting divots if you're a beginner or just started to play golf and even though there are many ways to lower your score, one of the most efficient ways is by reducing your number of divots. Taking out small amounts of turf with each shot will end up costing you shots over the course of 18 holes.

But there are many things that can cause divots to happen while playing, besides hitting it too hard. Improper golf club setup is one of the leading causes for divots in golf and I think most people don't realize this. It's not because they don't know the right way to play it. However, because they don't know what a proper golf club setup is.

It's not just the position of your golf clubs when you address the ball and how far apart you should stand from the ball with your feet but also where to place your hands on the club, whether to hold the sand wedge in an overhand or underhand position and if you're going to use a right-handed or left-handed golfer.

For amateur golfers, the most common mistake they do is stand too far away from the ball when they address it. This causes them to hit down on the ball instead of hitting through it and thus causing divots in golf turf. It is true that it is harder to make solid contact when you are standing further back.

How to fix a divot and what you'll need to do so

  1. Divots made by a sand wedge are the easiest to fix. All you have to do is just dig it up, level off the dirt and get rid of the biggest chunk of turf. Then just put fresh sand in from other parts of the green. Just make sure that no ruts or bumps are created from filling in the divot.
  2. If you made a small divot by using an iron or fairway wood, all you have to do is rake out the grass and fix it up with sand. Level off the ground so that no bumps will appear after you put new grass in it.Put fresh green grass and make sure that it's pressed down to the ground. Smooth out any ridges or bumps then water it so that all the air is gone. The real thing behind fixing a divot in golf turf is smoothing out the surface of your golf green.
  3. If you made a large divot, like when you use a driver, make sure to fill in the area around it with sand. Rake out the grass, making sure that no dirt is left on the ground and then place new green grass over it. Smooth out all ridges and bumps with your hand and then water/irrigate it well so that the air pockets are gone.

Frequently asked questions about fixing a divot

1. Should I hit the ball out of my own divot ?

No ! It's not very efficient and it is just a waste of your time. Hit the ball from somewhere where there are no divots in order to avoid hitting a bad shot.

2. How often to fix divots on golf course ?

It is actually up to you if you want to fix it or not. You can decide yourself that you will pick up the divots after every hole but if you're a good player then don't do it. If there aren't many golfers in your group then don't bother and just leave them there because they are not doing any harm – unless they are really big ones.

Final Thought

It is very important to fix divots on golf course because it will look bad for you and your fellow players if there are a lot of them. I won't lie; it takes some time to learn how to fix a divot in golf turf with the method that I have provided but once you do, it gets easier. Just set aside some time to practice and you will get the hang of it.

I believe that if you make a point of fixing your divots, other club members will do the same and before long, no one will have to worry about having turf damage on their golf green.