14 Tips For Bobby Jones Golf Swing

Bobby Jones was a great golfer and the only one in history to win all four majors. We're going to teach you ten of his best golf tips before you go out and play this weekend!

1 - Lower Your Grip And Stand Up Straight

Jones said "I think the grip is one of the most important points in golf. If you have a bad grip, you will play badly." But Jones didn't just rest on his laurels, he worked hard to improve it! He lowered his grip closer to the shaft and stood up straight with his arms hanging down at right angles to his body.

To accomplish this:   Bend your left arm so that your shoulder faces right. You should be leaning slightly forward while maintaining your balance as if you were standing naturally. With your palm facing away from your body and right thumb pointing upward, hold a club out in front of you; place the leading edge of its head between your thumb and first finger, located at the top of your left hand. Now you should have a straight line from your shoulder to your wrist, with no bent elbows!

If you're comfortable with this new grip, it's likely that you'll experience extra power and control in your shots. 

2 - Move Your Feet On Your Downswing

Jones was famous for his fine footwork on the course. He moved around -and shuffled very fast- so he could get into better position quickly for his next shot. As a result, he always got an accurate read on the approaching ball and knew where it would land before he even hit it! This allowed him to almost automatically pick the right club for every shot; he didn't need to think much about the clubs he chose, which meant he could focus on other things.

3 - Only Use Your Left Wrist On The Downswing

Jones was a very powerful player and it's not surprising that he worked hard to develop his power! He practiced with light weights attached to his wrists (and even ran up hills!) so that he could get used to hitting the ball further by swinging harder from the ground. It also allowed him to learn how much force you can exert through your left wrist when you try to generate extra distance during your swing. Jones didn't like using his right wrist at all because of its tendency for inaccuracy if overused; he felt that it could throw off your aim with its jerky movements, so he chose to let his left wrist take care of all power.

4 - Get The Ball In Front Of You On Your Downswing

Jones played at a time when the game was changing; in this fast-moving era of sport, it could be hard to develop as a golfer. He believed that you needed to practice all parts of the swing equally (backswing, downswing and follow-through wanted) if you to do well on the course. To get ahead of other players who were excelling more in one aspect than another , Jones made sure that he had consistency by practicing swings where his ball landed just behind him on every shot! This allowed him to improve across all led to uneven strokes and poor balance in an otherwise elegant game.

5 - Practice Your Putting Five Minutes a Day

Jones was famous for his focus and ability to remain calm while putting, but this didn't happen overnight; he worked hard to improve it! He practiced putting five minutes a day once every two weeks. After monotonously practicing the same motions over and over again, Jones perfected how he would react under pressure. This allowed him to practice many times in public without slumping or missing putts because of nervous energy. Instead, he could stay poised at all times with a rock-solid stance !

6 - Take A Deep Breathe Before You Start Your Swing

Jones said "I always take a deep breath before I swing at the ball." In golfing terms, taking one deep breath before you swing could mean the difference between an ordinary shot and a great one!

It's often hard to stay focused during long rounds of golf; it can feel like you're moving in slow motion, your off-the-ball thoughts are distracting and your game is suffering.  By taking a deep breath before every downswing, Jones was able to calm himself and maintain his trajectory through the course . When he finally approached his ball, he felt no need for extra pressure because of nerves and distractions; instead, he could focus on where he wanted to place his ball for that particular shot.

7 - Banish Bad Shots From Your Mind Immediately

Jones believed that the secret to playing well consistently was staying positive while on the course. After taking a bad shot, he would not think about it again until the end of his round! He understood that getting frustrated from poor shots could make you flustered on the other holes and ruin your chances for success. Instead, he kept each game in perspective so that his only focus was on winning !

8 - Wear Loose Clothing (It Makes Your Arms Easier To Swing)

Jones believed in wearing clothing that fit him well; this allowed him to move around freely without any restrictions or snags while on the course. It's easy to underestimate how much things like tight sleeves can affect your swing , but he never wanted anything to get between him and hitting the ball correctly.

9 - Take Time Before Every Shot

Jones knew that a quick restart of your swing after taking one bad shot could lead to another. Instead, he took time and recapped his last two shots; this helped him become aware of how he was swinging and if there were any mistakes in his routine . By being more conscious about what he was doing wrong, Jones knew exactly what needed to be fixed in order to play well again! He soon remembered the importance of taking one step at a time, just as you would when learning golf for the first time .

10 - Keep Your Eye On The Ball For Every Shot

Keeping your eye on the ball while playing golf can be an easy concept to follow… or not ! Even though it's easy enough for most people , it takes a lot of practice to perfect. Jones knew that if he wanted to keep his eye on the ball, he had to detach himself from other thoughts and distractions .

11 - Try To Keep Your Swing As Flat As Possible

It was important for Jones to hit as flat a stroke as possible when playing golf; this meant swinging with full power! In fact, it's part of why many call him the "Father of Modern Golf," even though his swing wasn't modern at all times! When he made sure his controls were in check during each shot , Jones knew that all he could do was fully commit to every downswing . But how do you know if your swing is too steep or not? Slice your club through the air like you're going to hit the ball, but STOP in mid-swing. If it feels like your club is already at a steep angle or too far to one side of your body, you're not doing it right !

12 - The Clubface Should Point Toward Your Opponent

One of Jones' favorite parts about playing golf was chit-chatting with his opponents on either side of him. This allowed him to remain social and focused during long games and match play . He also believed that important conversations were easier when held while standing upright , instead of hunched over with your head down! When he stood up straight to talk to his fellow competitors, he kept a level head so that he could focus more on making conversation than swinging !

13-Keep Your Golf Ball Clean

Jones looked for ways to make his game easier from every angle. Installing a ball washer in the cup of each hole allowed him to soothe his golf ball before taking every shot; he believed that this helped make it easier to read and react to the ball when it came airborne ! It also meant that Jones would never have to wait long for a new ball, which can be an annoying delay while playing competitively . He knew how important time is on the course, and wasted no more of it than necessary.

Swing Easy Without Thinking Too Much About The Songs On The Course

Jones listened to music while he played golf… but not all at once! Although some days he listened to songs on the radio, other days he listened to classical music over his headset. He liked this variety, and so should you! Try listening to different types of music in your free time; find out what kinds of songs bring out your best golfing self .


I hope you enjoyed my 14 golf tips of Bobby Jones. To summarize, I think Jones was a true gentleman on the green and his suggestions can still be useful to a game that has undergone so many changes in the last century.