How To Hit Iron : Tips for a Flush Hit Every Time

I don't know how to swing a golf iron.

Nobody wants to admit it, but many people struggle with the basics of focusing on the golf ball. Some people may never even try swinging a club because they think it is too difficult.

The truth is, it is not difficult at all. In fact, you can learn how to swing a golf iron in just one day.

This article will show you step by step how to swing a golf iron like a pro.

What is a golf iron ?

Before you can learn how to swing a golf iron, you need to know what it is a golf iron is also known as a wedge or pitching wedge because of its shape. The thick end of the club is called the sole and the thin end is called the top.

There are 3 types of wedges: lob, sand and pitching. The lob wedge has a wide sole and is used to hit the ball high in the air, while the sand wedge doesn't have as broad a sole, so it hits the ball lower on the ground. A pitching iron is used for shots that will land fairly close to where they are struck from.

The easiest way to determine what type of wedge you need is to buy an earlier model that doesn't include grooves or technology. It will work the same as a new iron, but it will cost about half the price.

To use a lob wedge, contact the ball anywhere on the club face between the top and bottom of its surface. The sand wedge should make contact with the ball on the bottom of its face. The pitching wedge is meant to contact the ball anywhere between top and sole, but closer to the sole side of the club.

The easiest way to learn how to swing a golf iron is to start by using the pitching wedge. It will allow you to get used to hitting the ball and feeling its power before you move on to the other types of wedges.

Learning how to strike the ball with your irons is rather simple if you follow these steps:

Step 1: Grip the club.

Hold it so that your hands are in the middle of the grip. Your fingers should be under the flange and not wrapped around it. The proper way to hold a club is to rest your thumbs on top of them, pointing towards each other. Release any tension in your wrists, shoulders or arms before you try swinging a club.

Step 2: Use practice swings.

Take a number of very short, practice swings before you play the actual shot. This will help you to get your timing down and make sure that you don't hit the ball too hard. It also helps to keep you from pulling the club head away from the ball at impact. Make sure that your shoulders are rotating towards your target. A good practice swing will help you to learn how to get your shoulders in the proper position.

Step 3: Set up to the ball.

Stand approximately three inches away from the golf ball with your body facing it squarely. Your feet should be slightly apart and there should be an equal distance between your toes and the sole of your shoe when they are pointing straight ahead at the target. Your knee angle should be about 3 degrees, which is a normal position for playing a shot.

Step 4: Use your feet to learn how to swing a golf iron .

Turn your foot so that the toe is pointed at the target and push off of that foot. Your hips should twist as you swing, but don't rush them by swinging with stiff arms. If you feel your body leaning, stop and start over. Pain in your back, shoulders or legs means that you are probably putting too much effort into your swing. Make sure that you're relaxed and focused before you take a swing.

Step 5: Play the shot after setting up to the ball.

Take a full, powerful swing with a high degree of rotation from the ground up, using only your hips to generate power. Follow through on the shot, which will help you to learn how to swing a golf iron .

Step 6: Repeat steps 3-5 until you get it right.

Keep at it even if you don't think that your shots are getting any better, because they probably are. It takes time and practice to develop the muscle memory that will help you to gain more and more control. Time spent with a golf club in your hand is time well spent, even if it doesn't look very good at first.

Step 7: Practice regularly.

Use a pitching wedge to learn to swing irons properly, then move on to the other types of wedges after you get used to it. The more that you play, the better that your form will be and the better your shots will land in the intended direction. You might also want to take a lesson or two at some point.

Final Thought

If you take the time to learn how to swing a golf iron , grounding your shots into the fairway or onto the green will become much easier.

The more that you practice, the better you'll get and it becomes addictive because of how fun it is to hit a golf ball with a club.

Good luck!