20 Golf Putting Tips For Beginners

Golf putting is an important part of the game. Without good putting skills, you will find it very difficult to win a round of golf against any experienced players. If you are a beginner who has just started playing golf, do not be anxious if you find it impossible to get good results from your putting. Here are 20 golf putting tips that will help beginners improve their game:

1. Always use the same length of putter for all occasions, even if your short or long putts vary greatly in distances.  This way you will always know how far you are from the hole.  Using a  putter that is too long or short will result in less accurate and consistent putts.

2. Learn how to use a putting stroke that is appropriate for your height,  grip, and style of putting.  There are different styles such as the claw grip, the cross-handed grip, and even using both hands at once!  You should try each style of putting until you find one that is comfortable to you and produces consistent results.  Experiment until you find the best style that works for you

3. Using your putting stroke,  put a ball on the floor and try to get it to roll into the hole.  This is an important part of properly learning how to putt.  Try taking the same putting stroke you use when on a real green.  Once you can do this, you are ready to putt using live balls!

4. Practice your putting in a mirror or window reflection so that you are able to see how your stroke and posture look while playing.  A better looking stroke will result in more accurate and consistent putts.  Also make sure you are upright as opposed to slouching over while putting.

5. The most important part of the game is knowing how far away your ball is from the hole, so use an effective yardage guide system during play time.  There are different methods for this such as using the marker on your ball or using a yardage stick you set up near the hole.  You will be able to make more accurate shots if you know the distance from your ball to the cup, and this skill comes with practice

6. Take your time while making putts, especially long ones that require more power.  Try using a metronome on the course.  Practice the pace that is best for your putting technique until you find one that works for you

7. Always ensure that the green surface is even and properly rolled before starting to putt.  Uneven or lumpy greens can be hard to putt on and may not give accurate results

8. Putting is all about having confidence in your abilities, so never let yourself putt when you're feeling nervous or anxious.  You may doubt yourself and this will result in poor putting technique which will lead to more mistakes!

9. Always remember that making a 3 foot putt counts the same as making a 30 foot putt.  Confidence allows you to believe that every putt is the same and can be made!

10. Pause before each putting stroke, and remember to keep your backswing short while playing.  This will help make sure you are properly lined up with the cup

11. Avoid distractions such as talking with your golfing friends or other people when you are putting.  Putting is about focusing on the task at hand, so avoid anything that will distract you

12. If you're having trouble with long putts, try using a longer length of putter for added power to get it into the hole!

13. Be prepared before taking your shot - know what you're going to do and how you're going to make your shot before starting.  This way you'll be able to focus on the putt itself instead of concentrating on your technique

14. Try taking some putting lessons from a local pro or golf instructor.  It will help you learn the right techniques and improve your putting skills!

15. If you're having trouble getting the ball into the cup, try using a different tee placement  to see if it makes a difference in your shots.  Different tees may make long putts easier to reach or provide more of an angle for short ones that are hard to get close to the hole

16. Don't use too much force when making your stroke, especially with long putts.  You should be able to feel the correct pressure of pushing down on the ball as it goes into the hole, but never push so hard that you throw off your posture or grip!

17. Make sure you have the right size of putting green for your golf course; some courses have large greens that are hard to putt on, while others have tiny ones.  Try going from larger greens to smaller ones and vise versa as practice so you can get used to varying putting surfaces without having to travel

19. Make sure the hole is properly manicured so that there aren't any bumps or divots on the putting surface, which will disrupt your stroke when making putts

20. Practice makes perfect, so make sure you spend time practicing your putting stroke and include it in all of your warm up exercises before each round.  You can also practice on the course if there are a few empty holes between groups to let you have time to yourself.


Putting is important for golfers of all skill levels and it is one of the most crucial parts during play time.  There are different methods for this such as using the marker on your ball or using a yardage stick you set up near the hole.  You will be able to make more accurate shots if you know the distance from your ball to the hole.  This will also help you take less strokes during your round of golf.

The best way to learn putting is by playing and practicing more on the green.  You can get better with each stroke, so do not give up too easily just because you did not make a good shot initially.  If you are getting better your putting skills, you might turn out to be an ace putter.  Who knows?

Well, that's it folks! I hope this list of cool golf tips for beginners was useful. Will have more soon so stay in touch and keep checking back. Comments section is open for questions or suggestions. Thank you!.