Cobia Fishing Tips- Tips For Catching

Cobia fishing tips are not only difficult to find, but they can be hard to find in a cohesive manner.

In this article, I've compiled all of the best cobia fishing tips that I could find so that you don't have to spend hours looking for them.

What is the best bait for cobia fishing

According to the experts, a live minnow is by far the best bait for cobia fishing.

This is because cobia primarily eat small fish, with squid and shrimp in second place.

While there are many other types of bait that can also be used, it's very difficult to catch a large enough quantity or variety of bait that's as readily available as a minnow.

If you don't already own a minnow bucket and neither do you have access to one, then your best option is to purchase some live minnows from a local bait shop or online. Another reason why using minnows for cobia fishing works so well is that they are more subtle than other types of bait and they continuously swim around, attracting the attention of any cobia swimming nearby.

Where do Cobia hang out?

Cobia are distributed throughout the Atlantic Ocean and gulf including, Virginia, Florida, Texas, Mexico and Bahamas.

However unlike other types of fish that like to congregate in a certain area or neighborhood (like the striped bass), cobia can be found all over the ocean depending on their migration patterns.

When they're born, these fish like to attach themselves in warmer waters near the equator.

As they get older and begin to form pods, they may prefer cooler waters or different locations depending on the season.

What lures do Cobia like?

Experts say that the best lures for cobia fishing are ones that resemble their natural prey. For example, shrimp can be a good lure since it's a type of crustaceans and/or worms, shrimp or squid in combination with spoons or other jigging styles can also work if you're trying to catch larger specimens.

Do cobia fight hard?

Cobia fight very hard and they can take you for a rough ride if you're not prepared.

According to the experts, your best bet is to use a fishing rod with a sturdy backbone, coupled with several hundred yards of strong line that's appropriate for fighting big fish like catfish or tuna.

If necessary, get some rubber gloves or a thick wetsuit to make sure you can handle the fish without getting hurt.

What size hooks for cobia?

Cobia fishing hooks can vary in size but a lot of fishermen swear by using a 4/0 to 6/0 circle hook.

Remember that the line size that you're using will also determine what type of hook you should be using.

For example, if your strength is around 15-pound test, then it's probably best to use a 4/0 circle hook which is typically made for line sizes more in the 20-pound range.

How do you rig eels for cobia?

For fishing eels for cobia, there's an extremely simple way to rig them that can be used in a variety of locations.

The first thing you want to do is find a long piece of mono or braid material.

It should be about 8-feet long and smaller diameter than the type of line you're using. The next step is to tie a large snap swivel onto the end of the braid or mono using an improved clinch knot.

At this point, you want to add any weight that you're going to be using such as buck shot, eel weights, split shot and so on. Lastly, make a loop at 90-degrees on the other end of the braid or mono and you're ready to go.

Do cobia jump out of water?

Cobia do jump out of water and they're known to have an exceptional jumping ability.

Many fishermen say that this is because these fish 'slap' their tail as opposed to regular jumps where the fish bends its body backwards, thus propelling it into the air.

In addition to jumping out of the water, cobia will jump onto land and run across it.

If you're ever hanging out in or on your boat when one of these fish makes its appearance, you'll see just how amazing they can be! They can also jump into boats which is bad news since there's a good chance that there won't be much of a hull left after the fish is done.

How do you catch Cobia in the surf?

Cobia fishing tips for catching these fish out of the surf is to use a heavier rod with more line strength and smaller tackle because cobia are stronger than any other type of fish that's commonly caught while surfing.

If possible, it's best to cast out your bait and let it sit for a few minutes before slowly retrieving it. This is because cobia may not see the bait if it's too close to them or they're feeding in a different direction.

In addition, another popular belief is that these fish are attracted to shiny objects. For example, some fishermen say that using chrome hooks and/or buck shot that's shiny is a good way to get the attention of these fish.

How far do Cobia travel?

Cobia have been known to migrate hundreds of miles over short periods, which makes sense because they need to feed almost every day.

There have also been a few reports where cobia travel in pods, which means that you'll want to look for these fish in groups when you go fishing. According to some experts, cobia will use their swimming speed and agility as an advantage over their prey.


By following these relatively simple cobia fishing tips, you'll be in a good position to catch more of the fish that you want.

These fish are known for their agility and strength, so treat them with lots of respect.